
Hotel Transylvania - Demon's Heart 2 - Chapter 12

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CHAPTER 12 - Ouroboros

"Jonnyjonny? Are you still there?" Asked Zoe, "I'm watching the live streaming on the website of those dudes who are always looking for ghosts, I was hoping to see also your pretty face among those adventurers, I thought you knew it."

"N... no, I didn't know anything, but... I think I will join them. Sorry mum , but now I have to go!" Replied the boy hanging up without even giving the time to the woman to say anything else and then he put his elbows on the table and put his face on his hands by remaining silent. All were silent until Mavis started talking:

"Dad, what do we do now? We flee and destroy the evidence of our existence?"

At these words her father replied with a worried face.

"Who do you think might betrayed us? Whoever it is I'll make them pay..." She continued with a threatening tone, tightening a fist in anger.

This attitude makes Dracula worried even more.

The count turned to his daughter with soothing voice, "Sweet gutted, stay here with Uncle Frank and others, Jonathan and I will be back soon, we have to organize with the guards and the gargoyle, as well as how to escape."

That said the two left the private room and stood in the great empty hall.

"Jonny, I have not called you just to talk about human emergency, but also for another reason which I think is even more important," Dracula said in a worried voice, leaving the human puzzled, "This is my daughter, since it happened that... Well , you know... she is no longer the same, she is cold, detached ... I don't recognize her anymore. I know what she went through is horrible, but this shouldn't affect her life. "

"Don't panic, Drac the 'human' problem will be resolved" The boy said, highlighting the word 'human' making quotation marks with his fingers "Don't let worry make you see problems that don't exist!"

The vampire leaned down to reach the height of Jonathan, "You've had little time, but I think it is enough to know my daughter, so tell me, do you think the old Mavis would let go away the ghost of her mother just found? She would accepted that human girls were used by Erzebeth as the minibar? She would supported my idea of destroying the Hotel Transylvania without considering other ideas? "

The boy looked down, thoughtfully, after all what Dracula said was true.

"Of course, now for me it's easier to take the most difficult decisions if my daughter doesn't countered it," The vampire continued, "But it's not she! And at the end I'm afraid that if she continues, she might even support the idea of kill the invaders."

"Drac, don't say so, I'll take care of her, but now we think of a plan. It is important to address first our real problem." The boy said as he cleaned his glasses on his shirt, perhaps to make the anxieties of Drac seem unimportant.

The vampire ran a hand over his face to clear his mind, "How much time we have?"

Jonathan took his cell phone, "It's 7:30 am the sun has risen half an hour ago, but we have the advantage of the mountains that make shade, so I think for now those curious are under preparation. Do you have watchmen that can warn us when someone sets foot in the forest?"

"Yes, of course, since Van Helsing has penetrated into the forest I made some improvements to the system intrusion, it seems that you humans don't be afraid of monsters as time ago..."

"Sure, I'm not afraid of anything!" Jonathan exclaimed, but a sudden bang and the sound of broken glass made him jump to hide inside the cloak of Drac, "We are under attack! Every man for himself!" He cried hysterically.

The old vampire sighed frustrated, fumbled in his cloak and pulled out Jonny holding him by the collar like a kitten and ran at full speed up to a room on the floor above, breaking the door and instantly stopping in the middle of the room. There was the broken window, but the curtains were intact, then the light of day did not bother the vampire. Dracula left the boy and the two came to what had caused all that noise, it was a zombie, or at least what was left of it, because its pieces were scattered all over the room and writhing like worms.

The most intact part was the head protected by a blue rugby helmet.

The boy picked it up and the zombie started to move its mouth as if to speak, but it was completely silent.

"Give me that." The count said, taking the head and attacking to the body it began to moan and gasp; when the undead ended the vampire translated, "About sixty human entered the forest on the south side. Damn, they're going through the path used by our hearse . If they continue on that road even if they don't find the secret passage, however, they will come to the cliffs where they'll see us. I have to take time in some ways." Then he opened the curtain slightly, the sky had darkened allowing the vampire to observe the forest without fear of sunlight.

"Guards!" Drac shouted authoritatively, and in a moment an noisily armor reached the count, "Please send this messenger to the Ents, they must move on the south path, making it impassable, and they have to make humans move to east where the vegetation is more dense."

"Yes sir!" The suit of armor exclaimed at attention, then took all the zombie pieces and ran away.

"Drac, before you said that two people may have betrayed you, you mean Ruthven and Erzsebeth?"

The vampire sighed, "Yeah, and who else? Probably they have taken advantage of our absence."

"And what would we have to gain?" Exclaimed a third voice, and Ruthven was right next to him was also Erzsebeth, both appeared in the room without being heard.

Dracula frowned, while Jonathan, scared, moved behind the vampire.

"Don't you know that it's polite knock before entering a room?" Dracula asked in a voice poisonous.

"Not when the door is wide open." Lord Ruthven replied, calmer than the other vampire.


There was an explosion not far from them, the count looked out the window and saw the zombie with the blue rugby helmet fly away with his buttocks on fire. On the ruined tower roof was the suit of armor turned to Dracula with thumbs up and an still smoking ancient cannon.

Ruthven looked the count puzzled and a little amused, "They invented phones and also radios to communicate at a distance at high speed, there is no need to bombard a messenger back and forth, someone could get hurt."

"Why are you here, what you want?" Drac said, gruffly.

"We know what you think," Erzsebet interjected, "But you're wrong, we didn't bring humans here. It is a nice convenience that humans consider us just legends, we have no interest to come out."

"You haven't answered my question." Dracula continued.

"How much haste, let us explain, we're here to help you." The woman said.

The Count glanced at them, he did not trust them, "You? Help me?"

"Of course, the fact is that we have a problem in common." The Lord said, "Give us an hour and we'll take care of everything. The forest is thick and the sky is cloudy, the sun will not be a problem."

"Do you think I let you kill them all as if it were nothing?!" Dacula exclaimed.

"As I feared, you're just a wimp. All your gooders will bring you to ruin and you'll drawn the whole monsters world with you."

"How can you say these things? Do you think I don't have the situation under control?" Drac said, and just then they heard the rustle of branches and leaves in the distance as if there was a strong wind, but the air was calm. A part of the forest was moving.

"You use the Ents as a shield?" The Lord said, "They will only make you gain a bit of time, but they'll not stop the advance of humans."

It was true and Dracula knew it and he knew that he should take advantage of every second to think of a better plan than that of the two evil vampires.

"If you haven't a plan, we'll do what we think is right." Erzsebet said calmly, she did not seem to have mercy, so that talking about the massacre she would do, don't upset her at all.

"I 'll never allow it." The Count growled, threatening, moving into attack position and then he put his hand to his side and the other just above, both clenched, as if preparing to pull out a sword that was not there, but that appeared from a cloud of purple smoke when the vampire began to pull it out. It was the estoc hidden in a walking stick, the same used against Camazotz.

"Do you want to challenge us?" Erzsebet said almost amused, "I would like it, but I would be limited by can't kill you."

The Count continued to point to the two vampires with his sword, "It's always a problem killing a member of the Order, right?"

"The Order?! How scary!" Ruthven said, sarcastically, "You of the Order of the Dragon have always threatened us, but you have never lifted a finger to stop our murders. You have no credibility. The truth is that we need you alive and probably you know why."

Dracula lowered his weapon, "You'll never succeed in your intent, do a favor to yourself and go away."

The two vampires smiled sadistically, "Don't worry, Vlad," Erzsebet said, "We'll find a way to convince you to collaborate, but now we want to solve the problem of humans." She concluded, turning into a small brown bat. Ruthven did the same, and both flew away through the broken window.

Drac, without wasting time, ran in pursuit of the two jumping from the window and turning into bat. Using all his energy he managed to reach one of the two, he returned to human form and threw his rapier against him.

The bat looked back and returned human to defend themselves from the attack, it was Ruthven, who took the sword, but that metal burned his hands as if it were silver and failing to stop it, it stuck on his shoulder. The Lord fell over the roof of the ruined tower, landing just on the suit of armour who tried to run away, but his metal boots made no friction with the stone and so even though he ran desperately, he did not move a step forward and was soon overwhelmed and smashed into pieces. The sword burning Ruthven's flesh, but he still had enough strength to pulling it out and throw it away.

"You can't compete against the dragoon's holy weapon." Dracula said as he slowly landed a few yards from the Lord.

"A dragoon? You're just an old retired warrior who uses his dragon as a water heater." Ruthven replied mockingly.

Drac opened a hand and his rapier reappeared in his possession, "Cletus is a wyvern, not a dragon. But he loves his new life."

"Wuss, just as his rider. The dragons live in their honor, but he's just a dog." The nobleman continued.

Count growled angry, while the Lord get up on his feet.

"We'll bend you, as we always have with anyone who might be useful, isn't it Erzsebet?" Ruthven said looking over Dracula.

The count turned and could not help but bite his lower lip. There was Erzsebet and next to her was also Jonathan, scared, to the point that she did not need to keep him or threaten him, he stood motionless beside her.

"Don't you dare hurt one hair on his head." Drac growled, menacingly.

"I could hurt all his hair I want, I doubt anyone would notice!" The woman said, amused, "But even he could be useful." Having said that she turned to the human, who looked her with a hesitant and fearful glance. The eyes of the countess became red, as the aura of light that lit up around her; it lasted a few seconds and when disappeared the vampiress was stunned, "How can you be immune to my hypnosis?" She growled, nervous, scared even more the boy, that despite everything does not took a step.

"M-maybe they are the glasses, the last time my contact lenses immunized me from Drac's hypnosis." The boy said, trembling.

"Don't talk nonsense, just that your eyes are reflected in those of a vampire, there are no effective transparent shielding , there is only one way to defend yourself from hypnosis..." said Erzsebet, and using her magic blocked the human and made him float, bringing him in front of her.

Dracula took a step forward, ready to attack to protect his friend, but the threatening glance of the woman made him stop. Attach so directly would be a dangerous move, he first had to think of a plan.

Meanwhile, the eyes of the Countess returned red and around her reformed the red aura, she was trying to hypnotize Jonathan again.

The woman noticed that the eyes of the other two were captured by something, so she dissolved the ineffective hypnosis and turned Jonathan and then used her magic to slightly lower his pants, just enough to see a tattoo drawn on a buttock, it was a snake eating its own tail and inscribed to this circle was a triangle with an eye inside.

The human suddenly fell to the ground beating his ass, "Ouch! Hey what the hell do you want from me?" Jonathan said, but he was surprised when he saw Erzsebet back, she was giggling and seemed excited and happy.

"They are not extinct..." The woman muttered, "They are still alive and active." Then she turned to Dracula, "Your friend is protected by the lamias, do you knew that Vlad?"

"Lamias?!" The two vampires exclaimed in unison.

"Lamias?" Jonathan repeated, "Who the hell are they?"

"Don't play dumb Drac, now we know how did you become a demon. They've helped you. I would never expected from a wimp like you, maybe we've misjudged you." The woman continued.

"Lamias are evil monsters, born from the earth soaked with innocent blood. They were destroyed by the Dragons over a century ago, they are extinct. And in any case I would never close covenant with them." Drac replied.

"They may be extinct," Erzsebet countered, "But how do you explain this?" She exclaimed and using her powers lifted Jonathan off the ground and lowered his pants, showing his tattoo to the two vampires.

"Pay me the ticket if you find my ass so interesting!" The human complained, jokingly, but Drac not seem to be in the mood for jokes, so he realized immediately that it had to be something serious.

"The snake eating its own tail, called Ouroboros, is the signature of Lamias, this type of seal is effective only if imprinted by a lamia." The woman concluded.

"Let him go." The count cut short, grinding his teeth in anger.

"Tell us how to summon a lamia and no one gets hurt." The Lord said.

But The count did not answer so Erzsebet taken Jonathan by his hair and pulled him to her, took out a kris from inside her long Victorian skirt and put it to the throat of the boy, "Now are you going to talk? Down the weapon and keep your hands in plain view."

Dracula obeyed, he knew the Blood Countess would not scruple to take a shower with the blood of Jonathan, indeed, she probably wanted it.

Meanwhile, the boy stood still and afraid, to watch the scene where Drac was subdued by those evil vampires. In that moment of great tension, his mind began to wander in the worst thoughts that revealed several edges of the knife on his throat. "I'm really so incapable? I'm really the cause of all this? I made a lot of trouble, but this is the worst of all. And then ... what does it mean all this ... seals, lamias? Is it possible that I is just a pawn of these evil monsters ... After all it was my blood to made Mavis turn into a demon. It's all my fault and now? They'll hurt Drac because of me, because I can't defend myself. Why i'm no more strong? Why I'm not able to defend myself? Why..." The eyes of the young man stopped a moment on Dracula's estoc, he looked it as if it could return the look, then he closed his eyes, letting slip two tears along her cheeks.

"There are no strong or weak." It was a feeble voice like the rustle of a breeze, "There are who fight and who don't fight."

Jonathan opened his eyes and clenched his fists, but in doing so he felt something hard and metallic in his hand. Then he saw Ruthven near Drac, the contemptuous face of the Lord became scared and surprised, it seemed to be about to shout, probably to warn the countess, but Jonathan did not give him time and with a quick stroke he pierced the shoulder of the woman who lost the grip the knife that fell down and she stepped back, surprised by the dangerousness of the boy that she had not imagined.

Ruthven jumped to help his partner, but Dracula appeared before him, stopping him, "I am your opponent!"

Erzsebet knelt down, clutching the smoldering wound, she was crying in anger.

"My skin... my beautiful and perfect skin..." She muttered sobbing, then she looked up at Jonathan, her eyes were red and full of revenge and killing spree, from her throat came a deep growl that turned into a loudly roar, "I quartered you and I make you eat your own guts! I'll make you wish for death like you've never wanted anything in your life!"
After defeating the demonic spirit that had taken over her, the life of the improbable couple is anything but quiet
The coming
 of a demon, though mysteriously disappearedhas shaken the world of monsters and the Order of the Dragon held a council to decide whether to legitimize the love between a human and a monster, and if close the Hotel Transylvania considered by many an unsafe place.
All this complicated by the come of two unwelcome guests don't really friendly.
Another tough battle is presented in this monstrous family, will be able to get their lost peace?
I promise to all readers that this story will not remain unfinished! 

Remember to comment it!

FIRST CHAPTER - Meet the Fockers:…
NEXT CHAPTER 13 - Those who fight further:…
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